Chola: See the menu, the review, restaurant hours, location, and more.

Welcome to Chola and the eclectic cuisine of India. Chola is a sister restaurant of Jaipore Royal Indian Cuisine in Brewster, N.Y. and Bombay Bar & Grill in Westport, Ct....

Chola: See the menu, the review, restaurant hours, location, and more.

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Got questions for the Chef?
Ian Russo, who created the new genre of "Nouveau New York Cuisine" at his restaurant IAN will answer all of your questions about food, cooking, and life...

VISIT IAN NOW!!! Click to see menu selections, review, location, and other information!
Visit DB Bistro now! Get the full restaurant review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!Visit Bruno Jamais now! Get the full restaurant review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!Visit Le Rivage now! Get the full restaurant review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!
Re SetteVisit Re Sette now! Get the full review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!

Re Sette
Italian, Barese Region
Where: Midtown West

Visit Re Sette now! Get the full restaurant review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!
Estiatorio En Plo

Estiatorio En Plo
Greek Seafood
Where: Upper West Side

Visit Estiatorio En Plo now! Get the full review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!
Pacific Echo

Pacific Echo
Neo-Style Sushi, French Inluence
Where: Midtown West

Visit Pacific Echo now! Get the full review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!
AS Parker - Men's & Women's ClothingDwight Howard Entertainment - Live Music
Etcetera Etcetera

Etcetera Etcetera
Coastal Mediterranean
Where: Theater District

Visit Etcetera Etcetera now! Get the full review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!

French-Asian Fusion
Where: Upper East Side

Visit Reve now! Get the full review, selections from the menu, restaurant hours, location, and more!

AS Parker
Men's & Women's Clothing

Dwight Howard Entertainment
Live Music


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