Le Perigord 405 East 52nd St
(bet. F.D.R. Dr. & 1st)
212-755-6244 www.leperigord.com
House foie gras with jelly Foie gras maison et sa gelee
Vegetable tart with tangy butter sauce Tarte de legumes avec sauce au beurre acidulé
Stuffed zucchini blossom with truffle emulsion Fleur de courgette farci, emulsion à la truffle
Escargots fricassée in hazelnut butter with chanterelle, fingerling potatoes and lovage Fricassée d'escargots au beurre de noisette, chanterelles, rattes et feuilles d'ache
Sautéed foie gras with cranberry chutney and meyer lemon Escalope de foie gras chaud aix canneberge et citron doux meyer
Sweetbreads dusted with Harissa salad, olive nicoise and Roasted sweet pepper emulsion Salade de Ris de Veau Pâné à l'harrissa, olive nicoise et émulsion de poivron doux rôti
Red snapper with braised endive and blood orage reduction Red snapper avec endive et reduction d'orange sanguine
Turbot with Comté crust, champagne sauce Filet de turbot à la croûte de comté sauce champagne
Dover sole, meuniere or grilled, mustard sauce Sole meunière ou grillée sauce moutarde
Roasted lobster in coriander broth with baby seasonal vegetables Homard au coriandre et petit légumes de saison
Rack of lamb with coco beans and mixed vegetable quenelle Carré d'agneau rôti avec coco beans et quenelle de legumes
Roasted spiced duck breast with blood orange chutney and parsnip pureé Magret de canard aux épices, chutney d'orange sanguine et pureé de panais
Armagnac, grand marnier, or chocolate
Cuisine: French Avg. Check: $40 - $45 Attire: Jacket &Tie Required
Now entering its 40th year, Le Perigord has won a permanent place in the hearts of New Yorkers, who demand scintillating food, complimented with extraordinary service. The Briguet family treats their patrons as members of their own family, making this a dining venue truly worth experiencing.
The main dining room is a romantic locale decorated with fresh white, pink and red rose bouquets on each table. Fine china placed in front of each guest lets you know immediately that you are about to embark on a classic dining excursion. Host Georges Briguet's charm and geniality spreads to the loyal wait staff, who treat each patron as if he or she were royalty.
Many classic French dishes are hard to find these days. Fortunately, Le Perigord has mastered its trade. "Turbot with Comté crust, in a champagne sauce" is a small taste of the special sensations enjoyed at this eatery. Diners would be remiss not to sample what is perhaps the best soufflé in Manhattan, as it is available as an Armagnac, grand marnier, or chocolate delight.
Le Périgord offers a newly renovated private dining room that can seat up to 40 guests. A special wine and food menu can be arranged that caters to your event. A private bar is also available for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. The restaurant welcomes all events from discreet business meetings to festive birthday parties with entertainment. The main dining room can be reserved for large events such as anniversaries and weddings.
As a testament to its greatness, the New York Times stated that "returning to Le Perigord after an absence of several years is like tuning into a late movie after you had nearly forgotten and enjoying it so much you sit up til 3a.m. They don't make loopy Cary Grant romances anymore, nor do they make luxury French restaurants that are as sincere and as uncalculating as this one." PRIVATE PARTIES; PRIVATE ROOM; ON PREMISE CATERING; TASTING DINERS; FIXED PRICE MENUS; PRE-THEATER SPECIALS; WINE TASTINGS; COOKING CLASSES;
CREDIT CARDS Amex, Visa, Mastercard, Diner's Club, Discover
Mon. - Fri. 12 - 3
7 Days 5 - 10